We created these tools to make Good Conflict more doable and more memorable — for people out in the real world, covering conflict as journalists or trying to navigate conflict as leaders, neighbors, colleagues, or voters. These resources are free to share, under these terms and conditions.

Reimagining conflict requires new tools, vocabulary & skills.

Our resources aim to help you…

  • Understand Conflict

  • Communicate in Conflict

  • Investigate Conflict

Learn About Conflict

  • High Conflict book

    New York Times bestselling author and award-winning journalist Amanda Ripley investigates how good people get captured by high conflict—and how they break free.

  • High Conflict vs Good Conflict

    Learn about the differences between high conflict and good conflict. Good Conflict journalism helps people and communities shift away from the trap of High Conflict.

  • Fire Starters

    Identify common Fire Starters, which are the accelerants that lead conflict to explode, including group identities, conflict entrepreneurs, humiliation, and corruption.

Conversation Tools

  • How to Loop

    Looping is a communication technique that transforms how we listen and connect with others. It reveals the meaning underneath emotions and unlocks deeper motivations.

  • Questions to Ask in Conflict

    Our favorite questions to ask people who are stuck in conflict. Designed to help break through the usual talking points and understand a division more deeply.

  • Good Conflict Methodology

    A simplified summary of our four-step approach to navigating (or just understanding) any difficult conflict. Your roadmap to sanity.

Reporting Tools for Journalists

  • Story Checklist

    Use this checklist to tell high-impact stories from a Good Conflict lens. Each step will help you illuminate the conflict you’re covering in useful ways–rather than just inflaming it.

  • 4 Steps of Good Conflict Journalism

    A high-level summary of our four-step approach to covering difficult conflict–without making it worse. Your roadmap to Good Conflict Journalism.

  • Good Conflict + Local TV News

    A guidebook based on three real-life, long-form TV news stories created using the Good Conflict


Produced by our partner, the Solutions Journalism Network, each video in this series describes a journalist’s experience using a Good Conflict technique in their reporting.

We believe it is essential to practice what we preach.

The Good Conflict Test Kitchen is where we try out new ideas, test our hypotheses and (sometimes) fail.